Combining contemplative spirituality, mysticism, and cosmic wonder into an inspiring tale of self-discovery, The Day of the Space Voyager is both a...

James Parker Walker
James Parker Walker

James Parker Walker, author of The Day of the Space Voyager, is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His creative credentials include an undergraduate degree in fine arts from Point Park University and his philosophical and theological credentials come from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary where he earned a Master of Divinity degree. Jim's expertise in both arenas is masterfully exhibited in The Day of the Space Voyager, a philosophical fiction, which is both extremely creative and deeply spiritual.  

The Day of the Space Voyager

Combining contemplative spirituality, mysticism, and cosmic wonder into an inspiring tale of self-discovery, The Day of the Space Voyager is both a fantastic adventure and a provocative parable for the 21st century.

James Parker Walker’s novel shares the metaphysical wanderings of an old hermit who learns that everything he has ever known is...
